Microbiology Department
To inculcate moral and ethical values to women students approaches along with science and technology education training and research.
- To encourage the department in research activities and publications.
- To secure the gold medal and other ranks in UG and PG level with sustainined gaining of 100% results.
- To motivate the faculties ,enrich with latest techniques, refresher& orientation course, Industrial/institutional visit and attending workshops and seminars.
- For the development of students we aim to organize National/International Seminar/Symphosia and Regional level workshop for higher secondary school students.
- Mass blood grouping, Refresher course for school teachers, Practical training for life science students, Mushroom cultivation are regularly organized as extension activities.
The centre of excellence for academic training and research in Microbiology.
The mission of the department of microbiology is to educate and train students in the discipline of microbiology and to expand the body of knowledge of this scientific field through research.